

Bertling turns 159 today – Happy Birthday to us!

Today, on 15 June 2024, we celebrate our 159th anniversary. In 1865, our founder Friedrich Heinrich Bertling set up his own shipping company in Lübeck Germany. Since then, we have been looking back on an eventful company history, went through many ups and downs, always needed to reinvent ourselves newly to cope with market conditions, and always must adjust our global and local service offerings to ensure we keep fulfilling our clients’ needs.

Today we can look at many positive milestones in our company history, which we would not have achieved without our most valuable assets: our employees. Therefore, we would like to celebrate your achievements, hard work, loyalty, and commitment to our company. Thank you for all your support. Cheers to all of us today!

Please join us on an excursion into our company history from 1865 – 2024:

Happy Birthday to all our employees around the world! 


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