A global supplier of bulk liquid logistics services.
Bertling Bulk Liquids forms part of the Bertling Logistics Group providing specialist bulk liquid logistics services. With a global network of offices and depot facilities Bertling Bulk Liquids is well placed to meet your fluid logistic transport requirements.
We provide our clients with reliable high-quality bulk liquid transportation solutions. Whether clients choose to ship in FLEXItanks, ISOtanks, IBC’s or drums, we offer a personal service tailor-made to our clients’ exacting requirements delivering an end-to-end bulk transportation solution, ensuring the quality and value of the liquid products we transport are not compromised in any way.

We have been in operation for 159 years and have a wealth of experience in the field. Our company was founded in Germany and has since grown to include 50 offices worldwide, allowing us to offer our services to clients on a global scale.
IT solutions
In 2003, we decided to spin out our quickly growing IT department and incorporate it into an independent software engineering firm – BESITEC (short for Bertling EDI Service & IT GmbH).
Sustainability at Bertling
At Bertling Logistics we are fully aware of the environmental impact of global logistics services via air, rail, road, and sea freight. However, without these essential services, global supply chains would stop moving and the worldwide distribution of goods would not be guaranteed. To closely monitor, proactively reduce and compensate this impact, we have developed corporate environmental, social, and ethical standards, measures (KPIs), and goals to ensure we support the welfare of those local communities and regions in which we operate.
Services at a Glance
Delivering a high level of service performance is the core of Bertling's business philosophy and how the company differentiates itself from other service providers. Whether in shipping or project logistics Bertling makes every effort to ensure that it delivers both best performance and best practice.